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Caregiver Certification Course Online

The national caregiver certification association offers the national caregiver certification course. The course covers the following topics:

1. Introduction to the Home Health Agency Roles

2. Medical and Social needs of Home Care clients

3. Personal Care Services by the Home Health Aide

4. Nutrition in Home Care

5. Cleaning Tasks in the home

6. Infection Prevention in Home Care

7. The Ideal caregiver

8. Care of the elderly patient

9. An overview of Alzheimers’ disease

10. Care of a patient with Alzheimer’s disease

11. Maintaining your safety as a caregiver

12. The role of the companion home maker

13. Communication techniques

14. Ethics, integrity and professional behavior

15. Cultural sensitivity

16. Appearance and hygiene

17. Phone etiquette

18. Escorting and transporting your patient

19. Observation skills

20. Handling medical emergencies

21. Fire and safety preparedness.

22. Caring for the caregiver

What our customers are saying

I almost lost my home care client because I had not certification. This certification course saved my job.

Melissa Rodriguez

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